Supply Change™

CCIB’s Indigenous procurement program featuring the first Indigenous Procurement Marketplace in Canada connects Indigenous businesses with opportunities in the private and public sectors.
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Supply Change

Indigenous businesses remain underrepresented in supply chains. Supply Change™ focuses on ensuring that Indigenous businesses have equitable opportunities to participate in Canadian procurement.

The program works with Indigenous businesses, corporate Canada and government sectors to increase opportunities and reduce the barriers faced by Indigenous Businesses.

Why join?

Are you an Indigenous business seeking procurement opportunities, or a buyer looking to increase the Indigenous spend within your supply chain?

Procurement Opportunities

A first-of-its-kind program designed to provide procurement opportunities for Certified Indigenous Businesses and assist corporate buyers (Advocates and Champions) in identifying Certified Indigenous suppliers verified by CCIB.

Business Connect

The Marketplace connects Certified Indigenous Businesses (CIBs) with Champions to build procurement relationships and create opportunities for Indigenous businesses to compete in their respective markets.

Largest Indigenous Marketplace

Use the marketplace application to promote your Indigenous business, post opportunities, or connect with CIB suppliers and/or Advocates/Champions.

The Marketplace

The Indigenous procurement marketplace is the first directory in Canada to connect corporate buyers and Certified Indigenous Businesses (First Nations, Metis, and Inuit). Marketplace users share procurement opportunities and perform custom searches for required services or commodities.

Within the marketplace, all CIBs have a profile that can be searched by Advocates and Champions when they are looking to go-to-market on bids. To facilitate connections, Advocates and Champions provide an internal procurement representative for CIBs to contact directly.


For centuries, Indigenous people have provided goods and resources to help Canada grow. That tradition continues today with more than 60,000 Indigenous businesses contributing to Canada’s economy.

The CIB designation provides organizations and communities with the assurance that Indigenous procurement opportunities are going to verified Indigenous businesses, vetted by CCIB, an Indigenous-led organization.

Research found 82% of corporate respondents regard the Certified Indigenous Businesses (CIB) designation useful for enhancing Indigenous procurement outcomes.

  • 51% or more Indigenous owned and controlled
  • Ability to produce or scale up to manufacture typical order quantities
  • Prepared and equipped to begin working with corporate buyers

CCIB Members committed to increasing opportunities for Indigenous businesses to participate in their supply chains and actively working toward embedding Indigenous businesses into their supply chains.

For companies that are in the process of integrating Indigenous businesses into their supply chains. They support the concept of Indigenous procurement but may not yet have systems and/or processes in place to track or report their Indigenous spend.

  • Be a member of CCIB
  • Be committed to enhancing Indigenous procurement outcomes with the goal of becoming a Champion
  • Recognize CCIB’s Certified Indigenous Business (CIB) designation
  • Provide the details of a member of your Procurement team
  • Commit to working with CCIB to enhance your Indigenous procurement outcomes (such as attending peer-to-peer meetings and providing opportunities on the marketplace newsfeed)

Champions are CCIB Members committed to increasing opportunities for Indigenous businesses to participate in their supply chains by reporting their Indigenous procurement spend annually to Supply Change™.

Champions set the standard for others, demonstrating that commitment to Indigenous procurement involves measurable actions and lasting impact.

Commit to working with CCIB to promote your involvement in the Indigenous Procurement Champions Group (such as attending peer-to-peer meetings and providing opportunities on the marketplace newsfeed)

  • Be a member of CCIB
  • Demonstrate commitment to enhancing Indigenous procurement outcomes by reporting annual Indigenous procurement spend and annual spend targets to CCIB’s Supply Change division
  • Recognize CCIB’s Certified Indigenous Business (CIB) designation
  • Provide the details of a member of your procurement team
  • Commit to working with CCIB to enhance your Indigenous procurement outcomes (such as attending peer-to-peers meeting and providing opportunities on the marketplace newsfeed)


Get Started

Are you interested in continuing your procurement journey with Supply Change? Learn more about our best practices and review documents on how to get started. 

Research Publications

Increasing Indigenous procurement has been repeatedly shown, through CCIB research, amongst other literature, to be a mechanism to improve the prosperity and well-being of Indigenous peoples.


Check out the marketplace at one of our orientation webinars, or join us in-person at a regional procurement event to connect with Indigenous businesses and corporate or government buyers.

Supply Change Marketing

Highlight your business using your Marketplace profile and take advantage of discounted advertising opportunities in CCIB’s e-newsletter and Indigenous Business Report magazine.


Browse the marketplace newsfeed for procurement opportunities or RFPs in your business industry or post your own to attract Indigenous suppliers.

Indigenous Business Defense Accelerator Sector Program

Creating opportunities for Indigenous businesses in Canada to engage with defense suppliers and leverage opportunities within your sponsor’s global supply chain.

I have only been a member of the CCIB for a short time but The Supply Change team has provided my company with great information and contacts for federal procurement opportunities and also has opportunities to learn about different procurement opportunities through webinars”

–Chad Murrin, P. Tech., Civil Construction Services. Pasadena, NL

Have questions about Supply Change?

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