Promise and Prosperity (2010): The Aboriginal Business Survey
Published: 2011
This is the first in a series of reports on Indigenous Businesses in Canada and Ontario.
The development of viable business opportunities is essential to the future prosperity
of Aboriginal peoples, and for improving Aboriginal employment prospects,
especially for the growing number of young Aboriginal job-seekers entering the
labour market.
Yet, there is relatively little current information available on Aboriginal business
owners. The last comprehensive study of Aboriginal businesses was conducted
by Statistics Canada and Aboriginal Business Canada nearly a decade earlier (2002).
The Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB) embarked upon the
2011 Aboriginal Business Survey (ABS) to address this knowledge gap and
contribute to the understanding of the opportunities and challenges faced
by Aboriginal businesses.

For more information, contact:
Matthew Foss
VP, Research & Public Policy
416-961-8663 Ext 237
Angela Mark
Director, Research
416-961-8663 Ext 829