
COVID-19 Indigenous Business Survey Phase II


COVID-19 Indigenous Business Survey Phase II

Published: June 2021

To build on our understanding of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the changing economic environment, CCAB, the National Aboriginal Capital Corporations Association (NACCA), and the National Indigenous Economic Development Board (NIEDB) undertook a second phase of the COVID-19 Indigenous Business Survey in December 2020.

Phase II of the COVID-19 Indigenous Business Survey provides insight into the changing impacts to Indigenous businesses amidst second and third waves of the pandemic and ongoing public health strategies in Canada. The report makes comparisons to data collected from the first phase of the survey and provides analysis on access and engagement with government programming and supports. The report builds on our previous understanding of Indigenous businesses’ most pressing needs throughout the pandemic.

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For more information, contact:

Matthew Foss
VP, Research & Public Policy

416-961-8663 Ext 237

Angela Mark
Director, Research

416-961-8663 Ext 829