Understanding Intellectual Property Awareness & Use by Indigenous Businesses
Summer 2021
In partnership with the Department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) Canada, Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB) conducted the 2019 Intellectual Property Survey of Indigenous Businesses to develop a better understanding of the awareness and use of IP protections among Indigenous businesses in Canada.
This report presents the results of a telephone survey conducted with 1,100 First Nations, Inuit and Métis business owners across Canada between August and September, 2019. This study provides a baseline understanding of what Indigenous businesses know about IP, how they are currently using it, their most common information sources, and IP’s impact on their business performance. It is also the first study of its kind in Canada that explores how Indigenous businesses currently protect Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions.
The findings of this research will be used to help governments and Indigenous entrepreneurs themselves better understand the opportunities and challenges associated with IP for Indigenous businesses.

For more information, contact:
Matthew Foss
VP, Research & Public Policy
416-961-8663 Ext 237
Angela Mark
Director, Research
416-961-8663 Ext 829