Skills, Innovation, and Technology

In today’s rapidly changing economy, CCIB’s research looks at how Indigenous businesses are adapting and innovating and what skills will be needed in the future. As technology and job requirements change, the Indigenous business sector must be prepared to adapt as well. The availability of educational and training programs, the quality of IT infrastructure, and the demands of various industries all play a role. CCIB’s insights into new challenges lay the groundwork for policy reform and program creation to meet the needs of Indigenous businesses.

Skills for Inclusive Workplaces and The Advancement of Indigenous Peoples

The Canadian Council for Indigenous Business (CCIB) partnered with the Diversity Institute (DI) at Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) to investigate the experiences of senior Indigenous leaders to understand the barriers and enablers that shaped their pathways, as well as the impacts of increased Indigenous representation in the workplace.

What we Heard: Indigenous Knowledge and Intellectual Property (IP) Roundtable

In February 2024, CCIB researchers continued our partnership with Innovate Calgary, Economic Development Lethbridge, and the University of Calgary to host another installation of our Indigenous intellectual property ( IP ) and Traditional Knowledge in business roundtable series. Utilizing funds provided by Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada (ISED) through the ElevateIP program, this iteration intended to gain further insights on the challenges that Indigenous entrepreneurs face related to using and protecting elements of their TK or IP in their business while also identifying jumping-off points for future policy advocacy related to recognizing Indigenous Knowledge rights, providing adequate protections, and ensuring respectful uses in business.    

What We Heard: Indigenous Intellectual Property (IP) Roundtable

In August 2023 CCAB researchers partnered with Innovate Calgary, Economic Development Lethbridge, and University of Calgary to utilize funds provided by Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada (ISED) through the ElevateIP program to host an Indigenous knowledge and intellectual property (IP) roundtable in Lethbridge, Alberta. The purpose of this event was to bring together Indigenous businesses, governments, and IP professionals to gather insights on how to more effectively protect and recognize Indigenous knowledge and IP. The report captures key themes of our discussion and has been used to inform the ElevateIP program in Alberta.

What We Heard: Indigenous Intellectual Property (IP) Roundtable

In November 2023 CCAB researchers continued to build out our Indigenous knowledge and intellectual property portfolio by using funds provided by Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada (ISED) under their Indigenous Intellectual Property Program (IIPP) to host a roundtable in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The goal of this installment was to build on previous findings related to acknowledging and protecting Indigenous knowledge in business in an effort to start developing advocacy points that can be pursued in future.

Digital Directions: Discussion on the findings of Google Canada’s Indigenous-led Business Poll

In the summer of 2022, CCAB advised Google Canada and the policy and research consultancy, Public First, on a survey of Indigenous businesses in Canada to inform the Google Canada Economic Impact Report (EIR) for 2021.

Readiness and Resilience: Mapping the Contours of the Indigenous Skills and Employment Ecosystem in Canada

CCAB, in partnership with Toronto Metropolitan University’s Diversity Institute and the Future Skills Centre, mapped training institutions and interviewed Indigenous-owned/led training providers and non-Indigenous employers to compile a study on skills training, employment development, and funding prospects for Indigenous peoples in Canada.

Understanding Intellectual
Property Awareness & Use
by Indigenous Businesses: 2019 Intellectual Property Survey
of Indigenous Businesses

The 2019 survey report by Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB), supported by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED), aims to better understand how Indigenous businesses connect to Canada’s IP system and explores the use and protection of Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions within their business models.

Indigenous Perspectives on Social Innovation and Social Finance in Canada

This is a preliminary qualitative study about how Indigenous businesses navigate the current social finance ecosystem.

Mapping the Landscape: Indigenous Skills Training and Jobs in Canada

This report presents some of the legal, historical, and contextual pieces that are vital to understanding the present and future Indigenous skills landscape.

Digital Differences: The Impact of Automation on the Indigenous Economy

Technology disruption has the potential to support or hinder the future of Indigenous work in this country, given that 33.8% of Indigenous workers across Canada are currently concentrated in industries with a higher risk of automation.

Digital Directions: Toward skills development and inclusion of Indigenous Peoples in the new economy

CCAB and Tata Consultancy Services share the preliminary findings from their interactive workshop with Indigenous business leaders and allies in the IT space.

TD Economics Special Report: Aboriginal Businesses increasingly embracing innovation

In partnership with TD Economics, this report reviews CCAB’s 2016 Aboriginal Business Survey data to highlight the successes and challenges facing Indigenous businesses today.