Community Development

Community Development

CCAB has researched relationships between economic development and community development through qualitative and quantitative measures. Understanding these relationships is important to pursuing economic reconciliation and connecting the Indigenous economy, private business, and their impacts on Indigenous communities.

COVID-19 Indigenous Business Survey Phase III

CCAB presents a third phase of research on the impacts of COVID-19 on Indigenous businesses across the country, in order to better understand the changing impacts of the pandemic.

COVID-19 Indigenous Business Survey Phase II: Indigenous Women Entrepreneurs

CCAB and ISED have taken an in-depth look at the data from the second phase of the COVID-19 Indigenous Business Survey. Findings on Indigenous women entrepreneurs are explored in this report.

COVID-19 Indigenous Business Survey Phase II: First Nations, Inuit, and Métis businesses

CCAB and ISED have taken an in-depth look at the data on the second phase of the COVID-19 Indigenous Business Survey. Findings on the different impacts felt by First Nations, Inuit, and Métis businesses are explored in this report.

COVID-19 Indigenous Business Survey Phase II

Phase II of the COVID-19 Indigenous Business Survey provides insight into the changing impacts to Indigenous businesses amidst second and third waves of the pandemic and ongoing public health strategies in Canada.

Insights into Indigenous Post-Secondary Graduates’ Experiences in the Canadian Workforce

CCAB and Indspire undertake a research collaboration to shed light on important findings related to Indigenous students in the workplace today and enable employers, business leaders, and post-secondary institutions to better understand how to meet the needs of new generations of Indigenous youth.

COVID-19 Indigenous Business Survey

The Indigenous Business COVID-19 Response Taskforce reveals findings of their recent Indigenous Business Survey. The results highlight the unique impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on Indigenous businesses, current barriers to accessing government relive programs, and capabilities of these businesses to supply PPE to the federal government.

Success after Camp: Analyzing Economic and Social Outcomes among Outland Youth Employment Program Participants

Investigating skills development and employment for Indigenous youth in the Outland Youth Employment Program in northern Ontario.

Business Reconciliation in Canada

The Business Reconciliation in Canada guidebook is a starting place for building respectful and sustainable business partnerships – whether you’re a large corporation or startup.

Relationships and Reciprocity

How are Indigenous business relationships developed and structured? What stages do they go through, what obstacles do they face, and how might we create more opportunities for vital relationships to occur?

TD – Debunking Myths Surrounding Canada’s Aboriginal Population

Partnering with CCAB, TD Economics debunks 10 myths and misconceptions about Canada’s Indigenous population.