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Sharing Prosperity: An Introduction to Building Relationships for Economic Reconciliation in Ontario

November 23, 2023

Businesses across Ontario are increasingly recognizing the value of advancing reconciliation, building mutually beneficial relationships with Indigenous Peoples, and supporting stronger Indigenous economic outcomes. Yet, many are unsure where to start or how to do so meaningfully. Moreover, different businesses are at various stages of their reconciliation journey. The first of two resources assist Ontario businesses in implementing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Call to Action #92.

Adàwe: Export Experiences of Indigenous Entrepreneurs

October 18, 2023

The Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB) and Global Affairs Canada (GAC) have continued our collaboration to explore the characteristics and challenges faced by Indigenous businesses that export. This partnership has resulted in two reports, the first of which is based on a national survey of more than 2,600 Indigenous business owners conducted from May to September 2021.

Readiness and Resilience: Mapping the Contours of the Indigenous Skills and Employment Ecosystem in Canada

July 13, 2022

CCAB, in partnership with Toronto Metropolitan University’s Diversity Institute and the Future Skills Centre, mapped training institutions and interviewed Indigenous-owned/led training providers and non-Indigenous employers to compile a study on skills training, employment development, and funding prospects for Indigenous peoples in Canada.

COVID-19 Indigenous Business Survey: Phase III

January 26, 2022

CCAB, along with the National Aboriginal Capital Corporations Association (NACCA), and the National Indigenous Economic Development Board (NIEDB) undertook a third phase of the COVID-19 Indigenous Business Survey in the summer of 2021.

COVID-19 Indigenous Business Survey Phase II: Indigenous Women Entrepreneurs

October 28, 2021

CCAB and ISED have taken an in-depth look at the data from the second phase of the COVID-19 Indigenous Business Survey. Findings on Indigenous women entrepreneurs are explored in this report.

COVID-19 Indigenous Business Survey Phase II: First Nations, Inuit, and Métis businesses

October 28, 2021

CCAB and ISED have taken an in-depth look at the data from the second phase of the COVID-19 Indigenous Business Survey. Findings on the different impacts felt by First Nations, Inuit, and Métis businesses are explored in this report.

Understanding Intellectual Property Awareness & Use by Indigenous Businesses

Summer 2021

The 2019 survey report by Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB), supported by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED), aims to better understand how Indigenous businesses connect to Canada’s IP system and explores the use and protection of Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions within their business models.

Partnerships in Procurement: Supporting Indigenous Business Growth through Improving Federal Secondary Procurement from Corporate Canada

June 7, 2021

This report looks at how the Government of Canada can increase its secondary procurement from Indigenous businesses throughout their supply chains.

COVID-19 Indigenous Business Survey Phase II

June 2021

Phase II of the COVID-19 Indigenous Business Survey provides insight into the changing impacts to Indigenous businesses amidst second and third waves of the pandemic and ongoing public health strategies in Canada.

Breaking Barriers: A decade of Indigenous women’s entrepreneurship in Canada

December 10, 2020

In partnership with the Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub (WEKH), CCAB has released a new report: Breaking Barriers: A Decade of  Indigenous Women’s Entrepreneurship in Canada. This research uses a gender perspective to explore the profile of women-owned Indigenous businesses over the past 10 years – approaching topics such as innovation, export and use of traditional knowledge.

Promise and Prosperity: The 2020 Ontario Aboriginal Business Survey

October 19, 2020

The latest in a series of National and Provincial studies investigating Indigenous business characteristics.

Insights into Indigenous Post-Secondary Graduates’ Experiences in the Canadian Workforce

September 22, 2020

CCAB and Indspire undertake a research collaboration to shed light on important findings related to Indigenous students in the workplace today and enable employers, business leaders, and post-secondary institutions to better understand how to meet the needs of new generations of Indigenous youth.

Indigenous Women Entrepreneurs: Preliminary Report

September 16, 2020

In partnership with the Women’s Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub, CCAB has revisited its 2016 Promise and Prosperity report with a gendered lens – identifying similarities and differences between women- and men-owned businesses.

State of Women’s Entrepreneurship in Canada

August 2020

The Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub (WEKH) released The State of Women’s Entrepreneurship in Canada: 2020, the first annual report. The report synthesizes government, academic, and expert research to highlight some of the structural barriers facing diverse women entrepreneurs in Canada.

Digital Differences: The Impact of Automation on the Indigenous Economy

July 6, 2020

Technology disruption has the potential to support or hinder the future of Indigenous work in this country, given that 33.8% of Indigenous workers across Canada are currently concentrated in industries with a higher risk of automation.

COVID-19 Indigenous Business Survey

June 30, 2020

The Indigenous Business COVID-19 Response Taskforce reveals findings of their recent Indigenous Business Survey. The results highlight the unique impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on Indigenous businesses, current barriers to accessing government relive programs, and capabilities of these businesses to supply PPE to the federal government.

Mapping the Landscape: Indigenous Skills Training and Jobs in Canada

June 23, 2020

This report presents some of the legal, historical, and contextual pieces that are vital to understanding the present and future Indigenous skills landscape.

National Perspectives on Indigenous Prosperity: Aboriginal Economic Development Corporation Capacity

February 2020

Read our national survey interviewing executives and community leadership on the role of Aboriginal Economic Development Corporations in their communities.

Business Reconciliation in Canada Guidebook

September 6, 2019

The Business Reconciliation in Canada guidebook is a starting place for building respectful and sustainable business partnerships – whether you’re a large corporation or startup.

Indigenous-Owned Exporting SMEs in Canada

June 21, 2019

A joint publication with CCAB and Global Affairs Canada, to review the characteristics of Indigenous SMEs involved in global trade.

Digital Directions: Toward skills development and inclusion of Indigenous Peoples in the new economy

February 28, 2019

CCAB and Tata Consultancy Services share the preliminary findings from their interactive workshop with Indigenous business leaders and allies in the IT space.

Industry and Inclusion (2019): An Analysis of Indigenous Potential in Federal Supply Chains


This report analyzes the Federal Supply Chain and the corresponding Indigenous industries, finding optimistic results for Indigenous business capacity.

Success and Sustainability: Understanding Aboriginal Businesses in the Agriculture Sector

Winter 2018

How do Indigenous businesses perform in the Agriculture and Agri-Food industry? What are their unique experiences, challenges, and strengths?

Moving Capital, Shifting Power: Identifying opportunities for investors to enhance demand for Indigenous employment, advancement, and contracting

Winter 2018

CCAB and the Shareholder Association for Research and Education (SHARE) set out to explore the means for actors in the investment chain to contribute to economic reconciliation and support the advancement of Indigenous peoples.

Partnerships in Procurement: Understanding Aboriginal business engagement in the Marine and Aerospace industries in B.C.

Winter 2017

Ensuring Indigenous businesses play an important role in the supply chains of the marine and aerospace industry creates real challenges. This report explores Indigenous engagement and capacity in B.C.

TD Economics Special Report: Aboriginal Businesses increasingly embracing innovation

June 19, 2017

In partnership with TD Economics, this report reviews CCAB’s 2016 Aboriginal Business Survey data to highlight the successes and challenges facing Indigenous businesses today.

Promise and Prosperity (2016): The Aboriginal Business Survey

September 27, 2016

Part of a series of National and Provincial studies investigating Indigenous business characteristics.

Partnerships in Procurement: Understanding Aboriginal business engagement in the Canadian mining industry

November 2016

This report looks at the relationships between Indigenous businesses and mining companies operating in Canada.

Promise and Prosperity (2016): Qualitative Research on Aboriginal Businesses in Ontario


Part of a series of National and Provincial studies investigating Indigenous business characteristics. This installment takes a qualitative approach.

Relationships and Reciprocity


How are Indigenous business relationships developed and structured? What stages do they go through, what obstacles do they face, and how might we create more opportunities for vital relationships to occur?

Community and Commerce (2015): A Survey of Aboriginal Economic Development Corporations in Ontario

July 26, 2015

Using new and previously collected data, this report examines how AEDCs help to drive the Indigenous economy and create opportunity in communities.

TD: Aboriginal Economic Prosperity

June 10, 2015

CCAB and TD Economics review the Indigenous market, updating forecasts from earlier reports.

Promise and Prosperity (2014): Ontario Aboriginal Business Survey


Part of a series of National and Provincial studies investigating Indigenous business characteristics.

Community and Commerce (2013): A Survey of Aboriginal Economic Development Corporations in Ontario

May 2013

How do Community Owned Businesses drive opportunity for Indigenous entrepreneurs, Indigenous communities, Canada’s ecology and economy?

TD – Debunking Myths Surrounding Canada’s Aboriginal Population

June 18, 2012

Partnering with CCAB, TD Economics debunks 10 myths and misconceptions about Canada’s Indigenous population.

TD: Estimating The Size of The Aboriginal Market in Canada

June 17, 2011

This 2011 partnership between TD Economics and CCAB reviews the Indigenous market, and forecasts billions in growth over the next 5 years.

Promise and Prosperity (2010): The Aboriginal Business Survey


The first in a series of National and Provincial studies investigating Indigenous business characteristics.