
Willms & Shier Environmental Lawyers LLP

Alberta || British Columbia || New Brunswick || Northwest Territories || Nunavut || Ontario || Yukon

About Willms & Shier Environmental Lawyers LLP

Willms & Shier Environmental Lawyers LLP represents clients on a full range of environment, Aboriginal and energy law issues. Our dedicated legal team includes seven Environmental Law Specialists certified by the Law Society of Ontario and lawyers with backgrounds in environmental science, geology and environmental planning. For more than 40 years, industry and individual clients, business lawyers, environmental professionals, Aboriginal communities and governments have benefitted from our innovative, practical solutions and extensive knowledge in a broad range of practice areas:

ENVIRONMENTAL LAW – corporate due diligence and risk management, brownfields strategy and contaminated site remediation, environmental assessment and approvals, air emissions, odour, noise, waste, wildlife and water law


  • Environmental Civil Litigation – prosecution or defence of environmental lawsuits
  • Environmental Regulatory Defence of Prosecutions – defence of quasi-criminal environmental prosecutions by regulatory authorities and managing regulatory investigations
  • Environmental Appeals – appeals of regulatory orders and approvals to administrative tribunals and government decision-makers

ABORIGINAL LAW – Aboriginal consultation, resource sector agreements, capacity support for Aboriginal groups and businesses, dispute resolution, litigation and training

ENERGY – renewable energy and transmission projects, regulatory approvals and appearances before energy boards

NORTHERN – environmental impact assessments, land and water regulation, wildlife law and management, water law and policy, land claims implementation and Aboriginal law North of 60



Contact Name: Julie Abouchar
Job Title: Partner
Email Address: jabouchar@willmsshier.com
Phone Number: 416-862-4836


Toronto Office Address

1 Toronto Street, Suite 900
Toronto, ON
M5C 2V6, Canada

Ottawa Office Address

123 Slater Street, Suite 700
Ottawa, ON
K1P 5H2, Canada

Calgary Office Address

Bankers Hall West Tower
888 – 3rd Street SW, Suite 1000
Calgary, AB
T2P 5C5, Canada

Yellowknife Office Address

Avier Building
5103 – 48th Street, Suite 203
Yellowknife, N.W.T.
X1A 1N5, Canada