Wejuseg Construction Inc.


About Wejuseg Construction Inc.

Wejuseg Construction Inc. is a general contract in civial engineering located in Listuguj in Gaspesie.

Our Philosophy

Wejuseg means “powerful wind”. With the completion of the wind park in Gaspesie, Quebec we were able to train and engage over 100 Mi’gmaq tradespeople. Creating an energy source from the wind was empowering. Watching our community learn skills and engage in the project was uplifting. These projects were on Mi’gmaq land and were completed with the help of the Mi’gmaq people. Pride in our work is paramount and by naming the company Wejuseg it is our way of honouring our Mi’gmaq heritage. We have the desire and the expertise to create big things. Let our powerful wind lift your project to success.

Our Team

Wejuseg Construction Inc. is proud to count a qualified, experienced team. We have a multi-disiplinary team of engineers, project managers and skilled tradespeople. We are proud industry leaders in the integration of Mi’gmaq human resources across our project teams.


  • Dismantling of 69KV Line (Matapedia/Cascapedia/Listuguj)
  • Mesgi’g Ugju’s’n (Windfarm)
  • Nicolas-Riou (Windfarm)

Field of Activities

  • Wind park construction
  • Road building
  • Repair, construction and demolition of bridges and viaducts
  • Rail infrastructire
  • Earth moving and excavation
  • Port facilities
  • Erosion prevention (riprap)
  • Soil decontamination
  • Sewer and water pipe installation
  • Sandblasting and painting



Contact Name: Victoria LaBillois
Job Title: President
Email Address: victorialabillois@wejuseg.com
Phone Number: 581-884-0306


Office Address

74 Riverside West
Listuguj, QC
G0C 2R0, Canada