
Urban Inuit Identity Project Inc.


About Urban Inuit Identity Project Inc.


Empowering Inuit Identity

The mission of the Urban Inuit Identity Project (UIIP) is to educate health care, social service and educational facilities about the cultural uniqueness of our Inuit to provide culturally safe care, and support that empowers Inuit identity so that our Inuit will be fairly represented in the fabric of Canada’s social safety nets.

Urban Inuit Identity Project also creates Inuit craft workshops, and facilitates the sharing of Indigenous cultures through exhibitions and pubic gatherings.

We also provide consultation and organizational support where needed.

Keywords: Inuit Indigenous Consulting, Inuit and Indigenous Knowledge Sharing, Exhibition of Inuit Sculptures and Indigenous Art, Craft Workshops, Consulting for Health Care, Schools and Social Services, Facilitating of Indigenous Gatherings


Contact Name: Muckpaloo Ipeelie
Job Title: CEO
Email Address: m.ipeelie@gmail.com


Office Address
595839 4th Line
Ravenna, ON
N0H 2E0, Canada