Turtle Lodge Trading Post Inc.

Alberta || British Columbia || Canada || New Brunswick || Newfoundland and Labrador || Northwest Territories || Nova Scotia || Nunavut || Ontario || Prince Edward Island || Québec || Saskatchewan || Yukon

About Turtle Lodge Trading Post Inc.

Turtle Lodge Trading Post Inc. (TLTP) is a 100% Indigenous owned mail-order wholesale/retail company that was founded in 2006. Over the years, TLTP has earned a solid reputation as a trusted supplier of whole leaf organic Semah (for ceremony only), Sweetgrass, Sages, and other dried herbs, shells, smudge bundles, feathers, and other ceremonial tools, Indigenous art and gifts, orange shirts, & lots more.

We are located in Clayton, about an hour southwest of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. We offer pickup or shipping for orders placed online. We do not have a physical store. We offer shipping, or pickup by appointment only.

To place an order, or for more info, please visit our e-commerce store at www.turtlelodgetradingpost.ca.

Keywords: Semah, Tobacco, Organic Tobacco, Organic Whole Leaf Tobacco, Sweetgrass, White Sage, Dakota Sage, Prairie Sage, Diamond Willow Fungus, Bear Root, Sweet Flag, died herbs, Abalone shells, Bear Grease, smudge bundles, smudge kits, feathers, ceremonial tools, Indigenous art, gifts, orange shirts, copper mugs, copper cups, talking stick, feather case, cloth pouches, leather pouches, broadcloth


Contact Name: Karen Bisson
Job Title: CEO
Email Address: service@tltp.ca
Phone Number: 613-256-9229


Office Address
Bellamy Mills Road – Call first to make appointment
Almonte, ON
K0A 1A0, Canada