Tribalure Canada Inc., is a 100% Indigenous-owned, start-up company specializing in online cosmetics and skincare. Tribalure is a partnership between Denyse Nadon (Apitipi Anicinapek Nation) and Angie Sarsons (Moose Cree First Nation). Our reach is predominantly North America and extending globally as the company expands.
We envision a legacy that uplifts, showcases and celebrates Indigenous cultural heritage and supports the growth and empowerment of women and girls everywhere. We offer cosmetics and skincare that Indigenous people can identify with and the rest of the world can appreciate.
We have formally launched our online store at: with a Red Feature Kit that honours the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) throughout Turtle Island. Further to this, we aspire to build a ‘Sisterhood Watch’ where together, we pledge to honour the memory of those we have lost. We commit to promoting awareness and increased vigilance for the safety, dignity and respect for women and girls everywhere. Please join us in supporting this important cause.