
The Deadly Aunties

Alberta || British Columbia || Canada || Manitoba || New Brunswick || Newfoundland and Labrador || Northwest Territories || Nova Scotia || Nunavut || Ontario || Prince Edward Island || Québec || Saskatchewan || Yukon
Arts / Entertainment

About The Deadly Aunties

The Deadly Aunties are a powerhouse of 2 Indigenous Women from the Anishnaabek Nation.

Our goal is to decolonize, empower, and reclaim the traditional Auntie Role through Rezzy humor. We are breaking down negative Indigenous stereotypes, protecting our youth and loving every part of ourselves, the emotional, spiritual, physical and sexual.

We offer a wide rage of services including comedy shows, workshops, customized community sessions, MCing and events,  plus so much more. We are always open to suggestions and making each experience optimal for all who participate. We proudly bring our Rezzy and positive Deadly Auntie vibes to First Nations, Communities, Organizations, Cultural Events, etc. all across Canada and the United States.

Keywords: Stand Up Comedy, Entertainer, Performer, Key Note Speaker, MC, Host, Events, Workshop Facilitator


Contact Name: Stephanie Pangowish
Job Title: Founder
Email Address: info@thedeadlyaunties.com
Phone Number: 647-739-0421


Office Address
3002 New Subdivision Rd
Sagamok, ON
P0P 2L0, Canada