
Tawi:ne Consulting Inc.

Alberta || British Columbia || Canada || New Brunswick || Ontario || Québec || Saskatchewan
Consulting || Professional Services || Public Administration

About Tawi:ne Consulting Inc.

Tawi:ne is a First Nations woman-owned and operated company specializing in project management, Indigenous engagement and consultation, policy/governance, and capacity development. Our company has extensive experience in Indigenous engagement and consultation, joint ventures, public/private partnerships, Federal procurement, and Indigenous community development. Our team offers professional expertise in communications, government relations, project management, financial and socio-economic assessments, political science, and business/policy development. Our involvement and understanding of Indigenous community complexities, culture, traditions, and protocol makes Tawi:ne Consulting Inc. an invaluable resource for advice and guidance to assist with desired outcomes for projects at all levels.

“Tawi:ne” is the Mohawk word for Otter. In some Indigenous cultures the otter is a symbol of honesty, rebuilding and never-ending learning. In Haudenosaunee Creation Story the otter delivered tools to heal and build the earth.

Keywords: Community Engagement, Strategic planning, Policy development, Economic development, Partnerships


Contact Name: Sara Loft
Job Title: Principal
Email Address: sloft@tawineconsulting.com
Phone Number: 613-298-0610


Office Address
135 Highway 49
Deseronto, ON
K0K 1X0, Canada