
Talking Circle

Alberta || British Columbia || Canada || Northwest Territories || Ontario || Yukon
Consulting || Fisheries || Indigenous Economic Development Corporation || Indigenous Governments || Management of Companies and Enterprises || Media/Communications

About Talking Circle

Talking Circle was founded in 2021 by Indigenous Planner Jessica Hum (Chinese/Ojibway) to facilitate the exchange of stories that foster fair, equitable, and just relationships on this land. Our work integrates Indigenous stewardship principles and knowledge-sharing to address climate change through story and teachings.

As a proud member of the Chippewas of the Nawash Unceded First Nation, Jessica’s planning practice is guided by the Seven Grandparent Teachings and Anishinaabe teachings of our responsibilities,1 like Mino-bimaadizid (to walk gently on the earth) and Maanaadendmowin (to look after and care for this place). Wherever we are invited to support through working together, we strive to humbly learn from, and to honour the guidance from Host Nations’ Elders, knowledge holders, and teachers of Indigenous Law (Natural Law).

As an Indigenous-owned business, Talking Circle specializes in Indigenous-led planning, including governance, strategic visioning, land-relationship and planning for Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs). We design inclusive engagement processes, facilitate hybrid gatherings, and build capacity for self-determination. By strengthening organizational structures and leadership, we help Indigenous communities and governments to achieve strategic goals, improve
decision-making, and enhance stewardship of lands and waters for future generations.

In support of this work, our award-winning team brings experience in:
● Working with First Nations and Indigenous Knowledge holders
● Strategic planning, land use planning and land-relationship planning
● Natural resource management and stewardship responsibilities
● Multifunctional landscape analysis and co-design for multiple uses and benefits
● Technical wildlife/wildlife habitat reviews for conservation and environmental assessment
● Quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis
● Spatial data co-creation, analysis and dissemination
● Deep understanding of data sovereignty and the fundamental principles of Ownership, Control, Access and Possession (OCAPTM)2
● Co-design and facilitation of community engagement processes
● Cultural safety and trauma-informed approaches
● Capacity-building training and mentorship of emerging Indigenous planners
● Liaising with various governments for conservation and stewardship legislative processes

Keywords: Indigenous Planning, Land-relationship Planning, Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCA), Stewardship Plan, Strategic Planning, Community Engagement, Lived/Living Experience, Facilitator, Accessible gatherings, Training Mentorship, Capacity Building, Indigenous Guardians


Contact Name: Jessica Hum
Job Title: Owner, Indigenous Planner
Email Address: hello@talkingcircle.ca


Office Address
1635 Fairfield Road, Homelands of the W̱SÁNEĆ and Lək̓ʷəŋən Peoples
Victoria, BC
V8S 1G4, Canada