
Suncor Energy Inc.

Energy Generation & Transmission || Mining || Oil & Gas || Retail || Wholesale Trade

About Suncor Energy Inc.

Our purpose is to provide trusted energy that enhances people’s lives, while caring for each other and the Earth.

We aim to be Canada’s leading energy company by optimizing our existing hydrocarbon business and transforming our greenhouse gas footprint, while growing our business in low GHG fuels, electricity and hydrogen, all enabled by our expertise, long-life resources, integrated business model, strong connection to customers and world-class environmental, social and governance performance.

We recognize that partnering with Indigenous communities is foundational to successful energy development. We are guided by the reconciliation framework outlined in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and work to apply its principles in our activities involving Indigenous Peoples, their land and resources. We are also informed and guided by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada and the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.



Contact Name: Stephanie Rozak
Job Title: Indigenous & Community Relations
Email Address: srozak@suncor.com


Office Address
150 – 6th Avenue SW
Calgary, AB
T2P 3E3, Canada