
Stratum Group Ventures o/a Stratum-Norchief

Oil & Gas

About Stratum Group Ventures o/a Stratum-Norchief

Through meeting client needs with transparent field-focused consultant management, Stratum-Norchief delivers timely and accurate service.

In addition to long term client relationships, Stratum-Norchief’s foundation has been built upon an extensive roster of experienced consultants. By providing honesty, respect, and responsive service, Stratum-Norchief has developed a loyal network of consultants which are considered to be part of our ever growing family.

Stratum-Norchief possesses the ability to provide our extensive consultant workforce management service on fee-friendly terms. With many years of experience, we have developed people, systems and processes to ensure our consultants are compliant to both corporate and regulatory standards. We are built to manage liabilities for you.

Stability, flexibility, dependability, honesty, plus 40 years of experience and industry knowledge are core qualities to our business. We are committed to customer satisfaction and maintaining long lasting relationships with all our clients and consultants!



Contact Name: Gillian Charrols
Job Title: Controller
Email Address: contact@stratumgrp.com
Phone Number: 877-412-3151


Office Address

Box 3834, 5016-51 Street
Olds, AB
T4H 1P5, Canada