
Stag Construction Solutions Ltd.

Alberta || British Columbia || Manitoba || Northwest Territories || Saskatchewan


Stag Construction Solutions ltd. was established in 2013 and specializes in providing sustainable solutions in the construction industry. We are 100% Metis Owned. We operate as a general contractor for the construction industry, including mechanical, plumbing, HVAC, drain cleaning/maintenance, gasfitting, flooring, carpentry, painting, and electrical services. As well, we perform on-demand service calls, preventative maintenance agreements and other related projects across Western Canada. We have good standing relationships with other highly qualified construction and mechanical contractors who are aligned with similar principals. We are a strong advocate for the PSAB – Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business.



Contact Name: Jeremy Stagg
Job Title: President
Email Address: jmstagg44@gmail.com
Phone Number: 403-990-2291


Office Address:
911-D 46 Avenue SE
Calgary, AB
T2G 2A5, Canada