
Rise Air

Transportation  (air/rail/water/truck)

About Rise Air

Rise Air employs over 200 personnel in locations ranging from Saskatoon to Fond du Lac, serving the North and working and living alongside our valued customers and community partners. With a varied and ever-expanding fleet of fixed-wing aircraft, including wheels, floats, and skis, Rise Air is the only air operator in Saskatchewan with the capability of moving people and goods to and from virtually any location in the province and beyond. By taking advantage of the efficiencies unique to our broad spectrum of expertise and experience, Rise Air continues to offer high-quality tailored aviation solutions, which serve, support, and promote the growth and success of Saskatchewan.

Scheduled commercial flights, with larger aircraft equipped with washrooms and flight attendants serve the communities of Saskatoon, Prince Albert, La Ronge, Stony Rapids, Fond-du-Lac, Uranium City and Wollaston Lake. Rise Air also has decades of experience providing contract charter flights, including mine personnel shift changes and provincial court party transportation. Numerous accredited maintenance bases across the province means that MEDEVAC transportation, corporate and charter travel, and freight hauling are just a few of the many services Rise Air can provide safely, efficiently, and reliably, 365 days a year.

Keywords: Aviation, Transportation, Charter Flights, Scheduled Commercial Flights


Contact Name: Tracy Young-McLean
Job Title: Vice President, Human Resources and Corporate Services
Email Address: tyoungmclean@riseair.ca
Phone Number: 306-668-0401


Office Address

Hangar 3A JG Diefenbaker Airport
Saskatoon, SK
S7L 5X4, Canada