We do Indigenous-owned-Equity Power Generation Projects: Green / Clean Energy & Technology Innovation
- Energy Projects, Selection Process
- Project Leadership and Management
- Community Ownership, Project Structures
- Economic Diversification into (non-energy) innovative technologies
With affordable, sustainable energy, Indigenous communities can:
- Further their economic independence
- Achieve food security
- Connect to global opportunities
- Build more capacity at the local level in training and jobs
Reconciliation Power is a key resource to activating economic reconciliation, fostering skills transfer for strategic growth. “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” Arthur Ash.
Our beliefs:
- Take care of Mother Earth
- There are essential principles to successful economic strategy, including consultation and collaboration
- Skill Transfer; Build Capacity at local levels
- Develop sustainable and affordable energy independence
- Make a Plan, execute the Plan
- Use available resources
- Target opportunities with significant community benefits.
How we make a difference:
- Economic Opportunity Assessment
- Procuring Capital Funding and Finance
- Partnership(s) Assessment, Development, Metrics
- Planning: Strategic Actions, Policies
- Market Analysis
- Feasibility Studies
- Business Plans