
Reconciliation Education Ltd.

Education || Employment/Training

About Reconciliation Education Ltd.

Why Choose Reconciliation Education?

Whether you’re a company looking to give your leaders and employees training for PAR-CCAB certification programs or a school seeking to advance on the TRC Calls to Action, with Reconciliation Education, you will find the bilingual online course(s) you need to start you off on your customized learning journey.

With First Nations University of Canada, we specialize in Canada’s largest global companies as well as serving the most complex of learning and technical needs from gamification, bite-size learning formats, SCORM for your LMS, etc. Our e-resources is known for its transformational impact with authentic Indigenous voices and award-winning content.

Our courses are in use across Canada in the education, Indigenous Nations, government, banking, charitable, tech, social media, government, energy, manufacturing, retail, religious, television, health, justice, law and community sectors.

Based in Regina with a satellite office in Toronto, we provide courses which tracks progress of course completion on your learning platform (LMS) or ours. In partnership with First Nations University of Canada who provide content and micro-credential certificates in French and English.

You can take pride in the fact that 10% of all proceeds are donated to First Nations University of Canada national student scholarships.

Disponible en français.

Contact us for a free trial or needs assessment:


Keywords: E-learning Training, Bilingual, Executive Training, LMS-SCORM Courses, Specialize in large employee count national companies, Bite-size learning, Award-winning courses, Customized solutions, Recognized micro-credentials


Contact Name: Andrée Cazabon
Job Title: Director - Creative Lead
Email Address: 4seasons@reconciliationeducation.ca
Phone Number: 1-306-205-1823


Office Address
2010-11th Avenue, 7th Floor
Regina, Sk
S4P 0J3, Canada