
Qathen Xwegus Management Corporation

British Columbia
Accommodation Services || Aquaculture || Energy Generation & Transmission || Fisheries || Food and Beverage Services || Forestry || Indigenous Economic Development Corporation || Sport Recreation & Gambling || Tourism || Transportation  (air/rail/water/truck)

About Qathen Xwegus Management Corporation

Occupying traditional territories that span from Cortes Island to Toba Inlet in British Columbia, Canada, Klahoose First Nation has existed since time immemorial.

Qathen Xwegus Management Corporation (QXMC) is the Klahoose First Nation’s (KFN) Economic Development Corporation tasked with growing Klahoose’s role in business, management, and the economy of the Klahoose traditional territory.

Operating at arm’s length from the Band Government, the Board pursues initiatives that will benefit Klahoose today, and for the future.  Even in the face of these tough economic times the Board are always finding new opportunities for business and QXMC is growing. QXMC works with the Klahoose governance to reinvest in infrastructure, projects, and people at the community level.  It is QXMC’s main duty to create opportunities for Klahoose seeking out and participating in sound business ventures and investment opportunities.  It pursues self reliance and economic independence for the Klahoose.

Economic Development include green energy hydro projects, Klahoose Forestry, Klahoose Aquaculture, Klahoose Water Taxi and Tourism and Hospitality including Klahoose Wilderness Resort, Klahoose Coastal Adventures and Gorge Harbour Marina Resort.

Keywords: Klahoose First Nation, Klahoose, Klahoose Forestry, Klahoose Aquaculture, Klahoose Sea Food, Jimmie Creek Project, East Toba Montrose, Alterra Power, Toba Valley, Toba Inlet, Desolation Sound, Discovery Islands, Cortes Island, Klahoose Water Taxi, Klahoose Wilderness Resort, Desolation Sound Resort, Homfray Lodge, Gorge Harbour Marina, Marina, Grizzly Bear Viewing Tours, Bear Tours, Wildlife Tours, Indigenous Culture, Indigenous Tourism, All-Inclusive Eco Resort, Lodge


Contact Name: Bruno Pereira
Job Title: General Manager
Email Address: generalmanager@qxmc.org
Phone Number: 250-935-6536


Office Address
1790 Tork Road
Squirrel Cove, BC
V0P 1T0, Canada