
Peter Ballantyne Group of Companies

Indigenous Economic Development Corporation

About Peter Ballantyne Group of Companies

Peter Ballantyne Group of Companies (PBGOC) operates as the for-profit business development entity of the Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation (PBCN). We oversee and manage all aspects of the Band-wide corporate business investments.

We focus on:

  • Stability and maintenance
  • Growth and new investment opportunities
  • Building equity and wealth generation for the PBCN

With our group of companies representing many different areas of business, we have grown to have a diverse portfolio of investments, resulting in company strength and stability.

We believe that sound management, constant communication, excellent business ethics, exceptional accountability practices and strong support from our Board and leadership are essential in the creation and operation of successful businesses.

Through business success, we promote stability, job creation, training opportunities and wealth generation for Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation community programs.

Our level of management responsibility with each company is typically dictated by our level of ownership, which varies from 3% to 100%. Within our 100% owned companies, gross revenues exceed $42 Million annually.

The PBCN community initiatives are separate from our corporate entity, our role in Band-wide interests and our responsibility in business development.



Contact Name: Trevor Ives
Job Title: CEO
Email Address: pbdc@sasktel.net
Phone Number: 306-764-4410


Office Address

PO Box 23147
Prince Albert, SK
S6V 8A4, Canada