
Paragon Protective Coatings Ltd.

Alberta || British Columbia || Canada || Manitoba || Northwest Territories || Ontario || Saskatchewan
Construction || Energy Generation & Transmission || Manufacturing || Mining || Oil & Gas || Repair and Maintenance || Utilities

About Paragon Protective Coatings Ltd.

Paragon Protective Coatings (PPC) Ltd. is a heavy industrial blasting, painting, coating, and metalizing contractor with both shop and field operations. PPC’s home office, shop and yard is in Edmonton, Alberta at 809-77 Ave. Currently most of our work is in the Oil & Gas – Upstream, Midstream and Downstream markets. Our services include the following:

Thermal Spray Metalized Coatings
PPC offers this service in both our Edmonton shop and the field. For the field, PPC has
dedicated thermal spray trailers permanently outfitted with Thermal Spray equipment that is mobilized to support our infrastructure, turnaround and maintenance activities. Paragon has considerable experience working in operating plants installing coatings on vessel internals. Our safety, quality, and production management systems have been developed specifically for this work. In addition, PPC regularly installs Thermal Spray Metalized Coatings on large infrastructure projects (i.e. bridges) and other structures requiring zinc coatings for atmospheric corrosion protection.

Industrial Blasting, Coating & Painting
PPC is a recognized leader in the Industrial media Blasting, Painting & Coating industry and is an approved coating applicator for many heavy industrial petrochemical pipeline and facility operators. This for both shop and field applied coatings. PPC also has considerable experience applying internal coatings. We regularly apply coatings to equipment, structural steel, piping, concrete, tanks and other industrial installations. Paragon specializes in 100% Solids Plural Component Coatings. PPC is a certified vendor applicator for a wide variety of coating materials. We also have in-house “train the trainers” for MQAP based training of below grade coating products.

PPC maintains a wide range of field blasting and coating equipment and can supply the right sized equipment to suit the job. Our blast equipment ranges in size from single blast skid units to large multi-hose blast trucks. We have both trailer and truck mounted plural spray units for field spraying of plural component 100% solids coatings. We have developed proprietary and patented coating equipment called VersaCoat which has been used to spray thousands of below grade welds and other structures – improving quality, safety and production of the coating application.

Third Party Coating Inspection Services
PPC has NACE trained inspectors and can support our clients with third party coating inspection services.



Contact Name: Ivan LaBrie
Job Title: Field Operations Manager
Email Address: ivan@paragonprotectivecoatings.ca
Phone Number: 780-461-7719


Office Address
809-77 Ave
Edmonton, AB
T6P 1S9, Canada