
Ontario Professional Planners Institute

Charitable/Non Profit Organization

About Ontario Professional Planners Institute

OPPI is the recognized voice of the Province’s planning profession. Our over 4,600 members work in government, private practice, universities, and not-for-profit agencies in the fields of urban and rural development, community design, environmental planning, transportation, health, social services, heritage conservation, housing, and economic development. Our student members attend accredited undergraduate and graduate planning programs at six Ontario universities. Members meet quality practice requirements and are accountable to OPPI and the public to practice ethically and to abide by a Professional Code of Practice. Only Full Members are authorized by the Ontario Professional Planners Institute Act, 1994, to use the title “Registered Professional Planner” (or “RPP”).



Contact Name: Susan Wiggins
Job Title: Executive Director
Email Address: s.wiggins@ontarioplanners.ca
Phone Number: 416-483-1873


Office Address

234 Eglinton Ave E, Suite 201
Toronto, ON
M4P 1K5, Canada