
North Shore Mi’kmaq Tribal Council

New Brunswick
Charitable/Non Profit Organization

About North Shore Mi'kmaq Tribal Council

The North Shore Mi’kmaq Tribal Council (NSMTC) provides Service Delivery, Technical Services and Support and Building Capacity in Water & Waste Management, Housing & Infrastructure, Post-Secondary Education, Training & Employment, Community Development, Energy Services, and Health Services. The NSMTC primarily serves our seven member nations (Natoaganeg, Metepenagiag, Ugpi’Ganjig, Oinpegitjoig, Tjipogtotjg, Lnui’Menikuk & Amlamgog), as well as 25 other Atlantic First Nation Communities.



Contact Name: Vanessa McLaughlin
Job Title: Communications Officer
Email Address: vanessamclaughlin@nsmtc.ca
Phone Number: 506-210-1705


Office Address
38 Micmac Rd.
Natoaganeg First Nation, NB
E1V 4A7, Canada