
MRT Automation Ltd.


About MRT Automation Ltd.

Established in 1995, MRT Automation Ltd. is a privately owned and operated company located in Midland, Ontario. At MRT Automation Ltd, our goal is to provide products and services which exceed our customers’ expectations and provide them with a competitive advantage. We’ve built a solid reputation for providing the highest quality at very competitive prices. We specialize in turn-key automated solutions, machining and fabrication, mechanical design, and electrical controls. We also offer prototype development and short run production services.

Controlled Goods Directorate

MRT Automation Ltd. is registered with the Government of Canada’s Controlled Goods Directorate, which allows MRT to examine or possess controlled goods and controlled technology in Canada.

Electrical Safety Authority

MRT Automation Ltd. is licensed with the Electrical Contractor Registration Agency of the Electrical Safety Authority. This certifies that we have met the requirements of Ontario Regulation 570/05.



Contact Name: Glen Moreau
Job Title: President
Email Address: Glen@mrtautomation.ca
Phone Number: 705-527-0354


Office Address

495 Cranston Cres
Midland, ON
L4R 0B8, Canada