
Lisa Isaac HR Professional Services

Consulting || Employment/Training || Management of Companies and Enterprises || Professional Services

About Lisa Isaac HR Professional Services

Lisa Isaac HR Professional Services is an Indigenous-owned consulting business helping Canadian organizations with their human resources operations. We specialize in:

  • Employment policy manuals and handbooks
  • Health and safety audits and compliance
  • Workplace harassment investigations
  • Talent, job analysis and compensation reviews
  • Necessary conversations
  • Training existing staff on sustainable best-practices in HR
  • Strategic advisory services


We strive to inspire and motivate individuals to reach their unique maximum potential and value.

We volunteer and live in the community and we want to see you succeed. We continuously develop ourselves as HR professionals and learn how to solve the problems that small businesses and organizations come across so we can share it with you. We strive to serve every client with unique and innovative solutions that allow you to get back to working in your organization. Your business isn’t HR, ours is!

We support for-profit and not-for-profit organizations across Canada with anywhere from 10 – 200 employees. We support non-Indigenous and Indigenous governments and organizations. While we are located in Sarnia, Ontario, and Moose Deer Point First Nation, we are happy to talk to you about your HR needs no matter where you are in Canada.

Keywords: Human Resources, Training, Development, Hiring, Recruitment, Leadership, Investigations, Harassment, Dismissal, Termination, Firing, Employees


Contact Name: Lisa Isaac
Job Title: Owner & HR Consultant
Email Address: info@lisaisaachr.com
Phone Number: 519-328-0194


Office Address

1117 The Beach Road
Moose Deer Point FN, ON
P0C 1H0, Canada