Hart Oilfield Rentals Ltd.

Alberta || British Columbia
Oil & Gas

About Hart Oilfield Rentals Ltd.

A trusted leader in surface rentals and manufacturing, is strategically located throughout central and northern Alberta. Hart employs Journeyman plumbers, Electricians, Scaffolders and Mechanics to service our gear wherever it is. We provide a large fleet of rental equipment including wellsite accommodations, hybrid L.E.D. lighting solutions, sewage storage and treatment, mobile combination units, natural gas and diesel power generation, flameless heating, wellhead and commercial scaffolding, fire suppression, and much more.

We strive to compete in this ever-changing economy by building and purchasing technologically advanced equipment to provide efficiencies to every customer. Hart Oilfield Rentals Ltd. is proud to be an equal opportunity company that takes pride in the safety of our employees, our clients, and our environment.

Why not give us a call on your next project as we look forward to building new relationships and maintaining old ones!



Contact Name: Mike Townsend
Job Title: Business Development Manager
Email Address: miketownsend@hartoil.com
Phone Number: 780-723-0945


Office Address

6306 54th Ave Bohnella Industrial Park
Drayton Valley, AB
T7A 1R6, Canada