
Great Plains Contracting LP

Construction || Mining || Oil & Gas || Repair and Maintenance || Utilities

About Great Plains Contracting LP

Great Plains Contracting is an Indigenous partnership in southern Saskatchewan comprised of File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council Developments LP (50%), Points Athabasca Contracting Ltd. (17%) and Graham Construction (33%). This partnership was formed in 2011 to further engage the Indigenous community in Saskatchewan’s growing economy and contribute to the continuing development of Saskatchewan. Bringing together significant experience through its shareholder structure, the company provides a wide range of general construction contracting services to support commercial, industrial, and mining projects.


Great Plains Contracting holds itself to the following values:

  • Miyo-Wîcêhtowin – ‘Respecting One Another’
  • Wîtaskêwin – ‘Living Together Sustainably’
  • Miskâsowin – ‘Self-Development’
  • Pimâcihowin – ‘Making an Impact’
  • Tâpwêwin – ‘Honesty and Integrity’
  • Askîwipicihowascikêwina – ‘Maintaining Fair Agreements’

These values are embedded in our everyday interactions by our employees working on project sites and by management in their everyday work. Our best interests lie in developing the capacity and economic impact of Indigenous people for the betterment of Saskatchewan as a whole.

Keywords: Construction, Labour, Earthworks, Civil Works, Maintenance, Greenfield, Brownfield, Ground Disturbance, Vegetation Management, Equipment


Contact Name: John Desjarlais
Job Title: General Manager
Email Address: john.desjarlais@greatplainscontracting.ca
Phone Number: 306-807-3298


Office Address
490 Hoffer Drive
Regina, SK
S4N 7A1, Canada