
Five Nations Energy Inc.

Energy Generation & Transmission || Indigenous Governments || Management of Companies and Enterprises || Repair and Maintenance || Utilities

About Five Nations Energy Inc.

We support our Cree Communities by optimizing our human and technical resources to meet their energy requirements in a safe, environmentally responsible and culturally respectful manner.

FNEI is one of five licensed electricity transmitters in Ontario; and is  the only 100% Indigenous owned electricity transmission company in Canada, as well as in Ontario. FNEI is the Corporation behind the Omushkego Ishkotayo Project (Western James Bay Transmission Line Project), a 270 km long transmission line that services the remote Communities of Attawapiskat, Fort Albany, and Kashechewan.

Keywords: Transmission


Contact Name: Pat Chilton
Job Title: CEO
Email Address: pchilton@fivenations.ca
Phone Number: 705-268-0056


Office Address
70C Mountjoy Street North, Suite 421
Timmins, ON
P4N 4V7, Canada