
First Nations Power Authority of Saskatchewan Inc.

Energy Generation & Transmission

About First Nations Power Authority of Saskatchewan Inc.

FNPA is a not-for‐profit organization created in 2011 to facilitate the development of First Nations‐led power projects and promote First Nations participation in procurement opportunities with SaskPower through a well-defined, mutually beneficial, long-term agreement.

FNPA and SaskPower have successfully negotiated a Master Agreement – a one-of-a kind contract with a North American Power Utility that includes set-asides.  This is a 10 year agreement and it guides how the parties will work together to establish a portfolio of First Nations-led power generation facilities.

FNPA’s mandate is to support the development of First Nations-led business opportunities in the Saskatchewan power sector.  Through unique partnerships, FNPA creates business and investment opportunities for its Member First Nations in the power sector with reduced development risk, a facilitated pathway and customizable options for their long-term financial gain.

FNPA’s role is to provide knowledge, expertise, and contacts to First Nations, Industry and SaskPower in the development of power projects and other power related procurement opportunities.  FNPA provides information and support to groups entering into discussions with First Nations and has developed a process to assist in the development of relationships between the First Nations people of Saskatchewan, Industry participants and SaskPower.

We are here to help you if you have an idea or proposal for a power project or if you are interested in partnering with a Saskatchewan First Nation on a project. FNPA is pleased to serve as a conduit among First Nations, business, SaskPower and government.

By engaging world class environmentally preferred technology and experienced power generation developers, FNPA is attracting significant expertise to the Province and adds needed diversity and sustainability to Saskatchewan’s power fleet.

Many power project developments occur in the traditional territories of First Nations and many in remote areas.  By partnering in power developments, First Nations can create long-term sustainable value for their members through employment, infrastructure, new business opportunities and genuine profit sharing.

Saskatchewan First Nations and power development companies interested in pursuing power projects are encouraged to become members of FNPA to better understand and become involved in SaskPower’s strategic procurement plans for power generation in the future.


Contact Name: Guy Lonechild
Job Title: President & CEO
Email Address: glonechild@fnpa.ca


Billing Address
310-2221 Cornwall Street
Regina, SK
S4P 2L1, Canada