
Exclusive K9 Detection Services

Alberta || British Columbia || Manitoba || Newfoundland and Labrador || Northwest Territories || Nunavut || Québec || Saskatchewan || Yukon
Professional Services

About Exclusive K9 Detection Services

Drug or Alcohol Detection Service

Dog and handler are a fast, and reliable cost-effective screening tool for detecting the presence of contraband. Homes, cars, schools, and businesses can be searched quickly and discreetly for the presence of unwanted substances, including marijuana, cocaine, heroin, Meth, various alcoholic beverages

I’m not a police officer. I’m not affiliated with any local law enforcement or any other government agencies. Therefore, the finds are confidential

Keywords: Drug detection , Alcohol Detection, Drug Sweeps, Canine Narcotic Dog, Drug Detection Specialist, Workplace Safety, Workplace Health


Contact Name: Don Harris
Job Title: K9 Detection Handler
Email Address: Exclusivek9alberta@outlook.com
Phone Number: 780-815-3568


Office Address
PO Box 843
Cold Lake, AB
T9M 1P2, Canada