
Elevate Counselling and Therapy

Health Care

About Elevate Counselling and Therapy

Elevate was started because we feel that counselling and therapy are more than just about having a place to share their story. Life stress impacts more than your emotions and mental state. Stress affects the whole person. Elevate wants to provide skills and knowledge to heal the entire person.

ECT approaches the ecology of the human experience from an anti-oppressive lens. We identify that each person is unique, and the client is the expert in their problem and not the therapist. We approach the problem as separate from the individual; the problem does not define the person.  We are open and empathetic to all lifestyles and backgrounds.

All of the counsellors on staff are NIHB approved, and we also direct bill to a number of insurance companies to help reduce barriers.



Contact Name: Ken Bodvarson
Job Title: Counsellor/Social Worker
Phone Number: 306-361-4443


Office Address
40-3902 Millar Ave
Saskatoon, SK
S7P 0B1, Canada