
Eisan Consulting Inc.

Professional Services

About Eisan Consulting Inc.

“Our Ancestors believed that all living things—plants, animals and humans—had a spirit and everything is interdependent on each other”.

Eisan Consulting Inc exists because we believe that wellness, work and productivity is interdependent and it is that balance that makes great companies.

We are dedicated to helping employees through the spectrum of their work life with prevention and management of occupational and environmental injury, illness, exposure & disability. We work with employers to achieve those outcomes.

We invite you to visit our website at www.eisanconsulting.com to view how and what we do to achieve great outcomes.



Contact Name: Juanita House
Job Title: President
Email Address: juanita@eisanconsulting.com
Phone Number: 403-460-9111 ext. 2


Office Address

1000 8th Street SW, Suite 102
Calgary, AB
T2P 3M7, Canada