
Dewar Pacific Projects Ltd.

Alberta || British Columbia || New Brunswick || Northwest Territories || Saskatchewan
Construction || Oil & Gas

About Dewar Pacific Projects Ltd.

Dewar Pacific Projects is a majority owned Aboriginal business. Founded in 1989 Dewar Pacific Projects was formed to provide insulation solutions and assist in completing thermal cryogenic requirements on industrial projects. This laid the foundation to become a diverse company that offers a wide variety of services to meet the evolving needs of our clients. Dewar Pacific Projects specializes in the application of Industrial, Commercial, and Cryogenic Insulation. We also offer Scaffolding, Asbestos Abatement, Hazardous Waste Removal, Demolition, Removable Soft Covers, Rope Access, and Surface Protection/ Specialty coatings. Our reputation is built on the quality of our work, integrity, and our commitment to health and safety, all of which have established Dewar Pacific Projects as a leader in the industry.



Contact Name: Derek Franks
Job Title: General Manager
Email Address: dfranks@dewarpacific.ca
Phone Number: 604-305-2061


Office Address

12261-163 Street
Edmonton, AB
T5V 1P9, Canada