
Denali Circle Limited

Alberta || British Columbia || Saskatchewan
Administrative and Support || Consulting || Oil & Gas || Professional Services

About Denali Circle Limited

Denali Circle provides a wide range of personnel services specializing in Land
Departments. We also leverage our broad base of contacts to connect people with unique opportunities in oil and gas. We can help you find the right people with the right experience and the right skills for the right opportunities.

➢ New employee search, from Junior to Senior roles, full or part time
➢ Consultants for Project work, special assignments and part time
➢ Senior Consultants and full teams for High Value Services including A&D Teams, Operational Audits, training or group Mentorship and Aboriginal Consultation
➢ Unique opportunities to connect buyers and sellers

Denali Circle Brings Decades Of Oil Gas Experience We have helped over 200 Oil and Gas Companies and placed over 500 staff/consultants in thousands of roles. We have access to some of the top talent in the industry and can help you with any requirement you may have. If you haven’t worked with us Before or if we have lost touch, we would like to connect with you. Please, give us a call and we will talk/meet/ZOOM to discuss how we can assist you!

Keywords: Mentorship and Aboriginal Consultation, Acquisition and Divestment Teams, Operational Audits Road Use and Royalties


Contact Name: Debbie Degenstein
Job Title: President/Landman
Email Address: debbie@denalicircle.ca
Phone Number: 403-540-1324


Office Address
Unit 226, 723 – 57 Avenue SW
Calgary, AB
T2V 4Z3, Canada