
Dawn T Maracle Consulting, Inc

Alberta || British Columbia || Canada || Manitoba || New Brunswick || Newfoundland and Labrador || Northwest Territories || Nova Scotia || Nunavut || Ontario || Prince Edward Island || Québec || Saskatchewan || Yukon
Employment/Training || Heritage Institutions || Indigenous Governments || Media/Communications || Professional Services

About Dawn T Maracle Consulting, Inc

Dawn T Maracle Consulting trains, advises, and consults clientele in business, strategic planning and evaluation, cultural sport perspectives events and experiences, health, as well as in corporate and cultural awareness training, grounded in Haudenosaunee teachings. In 2017, Dawn won the International Day to End Racism and Discrimination Award at the University of Toronto. She has partnered with Kevin V. Sandy Consulting and Haudenosaunee Lacrosse from Six Nations Territory over two decades in business/education strategy and Haudenosaunee cultural sports/ceremonial teachings. She has worked with Olivia Chow and the Institute for Change Leaders teaching storytelling and community organizing for nearly a decade, and she has worked with professional sports teams, players, alumni and performers for decades to raise money for communities, to build stronger relationships, and address issues of reconciliation in business and around the world.

HOPES Indigenous Training Network is a nationally registered not-for profit which stands for Healing Our Peoples through Education, Sports and Social Justice. It takes the training and knowledge from DTM Consulting above and delivers that content (with the help of financial and lacrosse donations) to Indigenous groups and communities at discounted costs.

Dawn T Maracle obtained a BAH from Trent University in Native Studies, a B. Ed. from Queen’s University in Aboriginal Teacher Education (ATEP), an M.Ed. from OISE in Adult and Indigenous Education, and a Certificate in Indigenous Trauma-Informed Care from OFIFC-U of T. She has taught Indigenous Studies and performed over three decades.

Keywords: Indigenous Cultural Awareness, Consulting, Advising, Training, Executive and organizational transformation, Advising and Implementation on the TRC, UNDRIP, MMIWG Calls, Curating, Creation, Coordination of Indigenous Arts events, practices and consultations, Indigenous Sports ad Cultural celebration, education, training, team-building and advocacy, Excellence Advisor in Indigenous parftnerships and relationship-building, Research/Academic Advisor and Adjunct Professor in Indigenous Studies, Land Claims, Land Acknowledgements, Women and Governance


Contact Name: Dawn T Maracle
Job Title: CEO, DTM Consulting
Email Address: DawnTMaracle@gmail.com
Phone Number: 647-883-9050


Office Address
417A Roncesvalles Ave, unit 4
Toronto, ON
M6R 2N1, Canada