
Clark Builders

Alberta || British Columbia || Manitoba || Nunavut || Ontario || Saskatchewan || Yukon

About Clark Builders

We are unwavering in our dedication to enriching the lives of the people who work with us and in the communities we help build. We are proud of the innovative and sustainable projects we build that leave a lasting legacy for future generations to enjoy. Our purpose fuels this commitment to deliver on our promise to you, our clients, our partners and our people.

Building relationships is at the heart of what we do. Clark Builders strives to build meaningful relationships with Indigenous people and communities through service, partnership and education. We view our work with Canada’s First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities as integral to our culture, growth, and business strategy.

We recognize the diverse and unique history of the Indigenous communities we serve and are passionately committed to an ongoing process of learning and reflection to understand our past while paving a way forward for the future.

We are proud to be a part of community development and growth through the projects and local infrastructure we help build. As a CCAB Aboriginal Procurement Champion, Clark Builders is committed to partnering with Indigenous communities throughout all project design, preconstruction, and procurement stages with local hiring and procurement strategies.

Through our Indigenous Relations policy, we commit to investing in resources, policies, and programs to further our leadership in:
• Cultural awareness and education
• Recruitment, training, and retention
• Project development support and realization of community infrastructure needs
• Inclusive and supportive procurement practices for capacity building with community trade partners and suppliers
• Development of long-term community partnerships and sustainable economic development opportunities

Keywords: Construction Management, Concrete Structures, Sustainable Construction Management Services, Sustainable Construction Services, Alternative Project Delivery Models, Metal Building Solutions, Building Envelope, Design Build, Pre-Construction Services, Lean and Virtual Design, General Contractor


Contact Name: Trish Campbell
Job Title: Manager, Indigenous Relations
Email Address: trish.campbell@clarkbuilders.com
Phone Number: 780-720-7303
Contact Name: Joanne Zuk
Job Title: Indigenous Relations Coordinator
Email Address: joanne.zuk@clarkbuilders.com
Phone Number: 587-337-4995


Office Address
#800, 5555 Calgary Trail NW
Edmonton, AB
T6H 5P9, Canada