
Cain Lamarre

Law || Professional Services

About Cain Lamarre


Cain Lamarre has more than 200 professionals on staff specializing in all areas of law and all sectors of the economy. Across Québec, our experts pool their skills and know-how to provide innovative and effective legal solutions to address the needs of our clients—institutions, businesses, and individuals alike.

Our legal experts enjoy strong credibility and an enviable reputation, both among clients and within the legal community. Their ranks include eminent lawyers respected by the highest courts, influential legal advisors, bar presidents, Advocatus Emeritus, Queen’s Counsel, and recipients of the prestigious Médaille du Barreau. Such is the distinguished makeup of our firm, some of whose members have been named to the bench.


In addition to our roster of institutional and corporate clients, we have extensive experience serving small and mid-sized businesses—including those active in the new economy—Aboriginal communities and populations, and a wide array of individual clients in need of legal services. No matter who they are or what their needs, our clients can count on effective, custom-tailored legal solutions at competitive rates.

Keywords: Law , Commercial Law, Aboriginal And Constitutional Law, Real Estate Law, Notary Services, Transaction Law, Litigation, Taxation, Construction Law, Environmental Law, Labor And Employment Law, Cannabis Law, Transportation Law, Insurance Law, Bankruptcy And Insolvency, Immigration Law, Agricultural And Agri-Food Law, Business Law, Municipal Law, Financing


Contact Name: Pascal Porlier
Job Title: Lawyer, Partner
Email Address: pascal.porlier@cainlamarre.ca
Phone Number: 819 856-5497


Office Address
630, boul. Rene-Levesque Ouest, suite 2780
Montreal, QC
H3B 1S6, Canada