
BrandSafway Infinity


About BrandSafway Infinity

The BrandSafway Infinity Joint Venture, a partnership between BrandSafway, a leading Industrial access and specialty services provider, and Infinity Métis  Corp., the economic development subsidiary of the McMurray Métis  – Métis  Nation of Alberta Local #1935, provides the largest Indigenous skilled workforce delivering access and industrial services in Canada.

With Industry-leading training to improve jobsite safety, productivity and efficiency, BrandSafway Infinity is ready to be at work for you.

Keywords: Scaffold, Insulation, Coatings, Refractory


Contact Name: Joanie Lofstrom
Job Title: Indigenous Community Relations Manager
Email Address: Indigenous@brandsafway.com


Office Address
304-69 Avenue
Edmonton, AB
T6P0C1, Canada