
BFL Canada

Consulting || Insurance

About BFL Canada

Founded in 1987 by Barry F. Lorenzetti, BFL CANADA is one of the largest employee-owned and operated risk management, insurance brokerage, and employee benefits consulting services firms in Canada. The firm has a team of over 1,000 professionals located in offices across the country. BFL CANADA is a founding Partner of Lockton Global LLP, a partnership of independent insurance brokers who provide risk management, insurance and benefits consulting services in over 140+ countries around the world.

“In addition to being owned and managed by its own employees, BFL CANADA is one of the largest risk management, insurance brokerage and benefits consulting firms in Canada. We approach our clients’ needs by thoroughly assessing their risks, threats and opportunities. This allows us to help them sustain stability and strategic growth. Our business model is based on providing our valued employees the opportunity to demonstrate creativity, leadership and entrepreneurship — principles that make up our raison d’être and push us to deliver on our commitment to support our clients and the communities we work with.

By entrusting your insurance, risk management and employee benefits and consulting services needs to BFL CANADA, you are dealing with a team of specialized brokers who understand your industry.

Our role is to thoroughly identify the extent of your risks and give you access to the insurers that best suit you on the market, both here and internationally. At all times, we advocate on your behalf and protect you with professionalism and integrity.”



Contact Name: Annmarie Garby
Job Title: National Practice Leader, Indigenous Services
Email Address: agarby@bflcanada.ca
Phone Number: 403-451-4132


Office Address
1167 Kensington Crescent Northwest, 200
Calgary, AB
T2N 1X7, Canada