
BC Housing

British Columbia
Social Assistance

About BC Housing

BC Housing develops, manages, and administers a wide range of subsidized housing options across the province. With more than 70,000 units of new and existing social housing and adding 1,500 new units each year, we partner with private and non-profit housing providers, other levels of government, health authorities, and community groups to increase affordable housing options for British Columbians in greatest need. BC Housing also helps bring about improvements in the quality of residential construction in B.C. and helps strengthen consumer protection for buyers of new homes.



Contact Name: Karen Hemmingson
Job Title: Director, Research and Corporate Planning
Email Address: khemmingson@bchousing.org
Phone Number: 604-454-2062


Office Address

1701 – 4555 Kingsway
Burnaby, BC
V5H 4V8, Canada