ATS Industrial Automation Inc


About ATS Industrial Automation Inc

ATS Industrial Automation is an end-to-end automated assembly and test solutions, provider. Our single-source solutions can span the full project life cycle, from pre-automation to post-automation through automation and integration. ATS Industrial Automation brings your ideas for innovation and automation to life. Intelligently, efficiently, effectively. We provide a global footprint of assembly, manufacturing and service locations and more than 40 years of proven experience. ATS Industrial Automation delivers smarter solutions with superior returns and faster results for multi-national customers in industries like Mobility, Nuclear, Energy, Warehousing & Distribution, Electronics, and Consumer Products.

ATS Industrial Automation turns today’s innovation and automation into tomorrow’s reality because every day matters.

Keywords: Electric Vehicles (Evs), Battery Assembly, Energy Storage, Process Automation, E-Commerce Packaging, CPG Assembly, Nuclear Decommissioning, Enterprise Solutions, Markets- Life Science, Energy, Food & Beverage, Transportation, Consumer Products


Contact Name: Sarah Bolhuis
Job Title: Director, Human Resources, ATS Industrial Automation
Email Address:
Phone Number: 519-212-6768


Office Address
730 Fountain Street
North Cambridge, ON
N3H 4R7, Canada