
Apeiron Resources Ltd.

Alberta || British Columbia || Manitoba || Saskatchewan
Consulting || Energy Generation & Transmission || Oil & Gas || Professional Services

About Apeiron Resources Ltd.

APEIRON RESOURCES LTD. is a 100% Indigenous owned corporation with more than 75 years of combined experience providing indigenous business development, collaboration, energy infrastructure project origination, environmental, consultation and engagement, traditional knowledge and project ancillary services. APEIRON beliefs are, to empower all indigenous peoples, to work as one collective, this collective is comprised of people in harmony with unique traditions and cultures to achieve self- sufficiency, financial independence and healthy social economic system. Success is achieved, when we Recognize, Respect and Accept diverse cultural values, uniqueness and beliefs. By adhering to these principals Apeiron delivers effective, efficient, high quality solutions and is committed to finding innovative yet workable ways to meet our clients’ needs using our combined experience, knowledge, and expertise.

APEIRON’s objective is to promote and provide the full scope of engineering, environmental and consultation and engagement services to energy infrastructure development project (proponents) with defined requirements for Indigenous inclusion and participation for those communities directly impacted by the project and whose connection to the land is an intrinsic and indisputable element of their culture, spirituality and traditions.

APEIRON is focused upon creating mutual benefits derived from joint project development. Direct involvement with initiation of and delivery upon multiple joint venture and business relationship agreements with Indigenous communities across Canada has led to more than $500 million of shared opportunities. By working collaboratively, we have successfully provided sustainable social economic benefits that flow back to Indigenous communities.

APEIRON’s pipeline project experience and expertise includes but is not limited to:

  • route selection • regulatory support and permit management • engineering (FEED and detailed design) procurement • survey and construction support • management services • drafting and GIS services

APEIRON’s experience also includes origination and development of renewable energy initiatives in Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia:

  • wind solar • waste heat recovery generation • evaluation of environmental, technical and financial attributes of projects

APEIRON’s strategic Indigenous partnerships

  • Metis Nation of Alberta Region 3, Apeiron has entered an MSA to be the Economic and Business Development arm and promote the social-economic mandate of the Metis

Keywords: Social Economic Development


Contact Name: Kirk Poitras
Job Title: President & CEO
Email Address: kpoitras@apeironrl.com
Phone Number: 403-992-3330


Office Address

622 5th Avenue SW, Suite 300
Calgary, AB
T2P 0M6, Canada