
360 Energy Liability Management Ltd.

Alberta || British Columbia || Saskatchewan
Consulting || Oil & Gas

About 360 Energy Liability Management Ltd.

For every well, pipeline, facility, or site at the end of its productive lifespan, 360 is there to help understand costs, manage obligations, and define risks – and as a result, Make Closure Simple.

Our Services

Liability Assessment & Strategy

Evaluating asset retirement obligations is a science, not an art. 360’s team of experts are at the forefront of ARO evaluation methodologies, data collection and strategy building. A deep understanding of multiple regulatory jurisdictions allows us to accurately assign ARO values and to effectively build ARO strategies designed to achieve the goals of your organization.

Site Abandonment and Decommissioning

360 offers full-scale management and execution of well abandonment, facility, and pipeline decommissioning projects. We excel at Area Based Closure Program (ABC) coordination and collaborative program management across internal and external stakeholders. From initial programming and site selection through to complex non-routine abandonment activities and regulatory submissions, our engineering team deploys best-in-industry methodologies and practices.

Environmental Reclamation and Remediation

Our team of qualified environmental professionals excels at building and executing risk-based environmental programs and solutions. With decades of experience, we have a proven track record in achieving regulatory closure in an efficient, cost effective and environmentally sensitive manner.

Keywords: Oil & Gas Closure, Liability Management, Project Management, Well Abandonment, Pipeline Decommissioning, Environmental Consulting, Reclamation, Remediation


Contact Name: Dave Lamberton
Job Title: Business Development Manager
Email Address: dlamberton@360elm.com
Phone Number: 403-919-8693


Office Address

Suite 1600, Bow Valley Square 1
202 – 6th Avenue SW
Calgary, AB ‍
T2P 2R9, Canada