
CCAB Announces 2021 PAR Companies

Companies commit to economic reconciliation through PAR


Toronto, ON – August 19, 2021 –Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB) announced today several prominent Canadian corporations to be recognized at the Business Recovery Forum, being held September 22, for achieving certification in Progressive Aboriginal Relations (PAR).

“Each year we are proud to announce a growing number of companies committed to creating positive, meaningful relationships with Indigenous businesses and communities,” said CCAB President & CEO, Tabatha Bull. “I admire the dedication these companies have demonstrated to furthering economic growth and opportunities with Indigenous business.”

Congratulations to the following PAR-certified members:

Gold CertificationSilver CertificationBronze Certification
ALPACImperial Oil Upstream DivisionThe Cahill Group
Bee Clean Building MaintenanceHydro Quebec 
Syncrude Canada Ltd.Allteck Limited Partnership 
BC HydroGreater Victoria Harbour Authority 
BC Housing  
Ontario Power Generation  

PAR is a CCAB certification program that confirms corporate performance in Indigenous relations. Using an online management and reporting tool, the program supports participants’ efforts towards progressive improvement and commitment to prosperity in Indigenous communities. CCAB member companies build a framework that enables them to achieve certification in Indigenous relations at the bronze, silver, or gold level. As a premier corporate social responsibility program, a high level of assurance is provided through an independent, third-party verification process of company reports on measurable outcomes and initiatives in four performance areas: Leadership Actions, Employment, Business Development, and Community Relationships. These verified reports are then reviewed by an independent jury of Indigenous business leaders who assign the final certification level.

About Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB)

Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business is committed to the full participation of Indigenous peoples in Canada’s economy. A national, non-partisan association, with a mission to promote, strengthen and enhance a prosperous Indigenous economy through the fostering of business relationships, opportunities, and awareness. CCAB offers knowledge, resources and programs to its members to foster economic opportunities for Indigenous peoples and businesses across Canada. For more information visit www.ccab.com

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For media enquiries, contact

Marissa Baecker

Sr. Associate, Communications

Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business

mbaecker@ccab.com | 250-470-7779