Aboriginal Business Development: Government Relations 101

Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business and Deloitte


Aboriginal Business Development: Government Relations 101

Panel and Live Webinar

Tuesday, February 28th, 2017 | 12:00pm-3:00pm EST

(Webinar stream: 1:00pm-2:30pm EST)

Government relations strategies are a critical part of many businesses and ventures and are found in every sector of the Canadian economy. As the Canadian Aboriginal economy and businesses develop, opportunities to establish clear lines of communication and build mutually beneficial relationships with governments at the local, provincial, and federal levels are becoming more important than ever. Aboriginal business leaders and entrepreneurs, community leaders, and partners are looking for strategies to ensure long-term success.

Join us live and online as our expert panelists explore the state of government relations, define effective strategies and tactics, share their professional experiences and reflect upon the challenges facing Aboriginal businesses engaging with governments and agencies across Canada.

Space is limited. Register now!

Speakers include:

Moderator: JP Gladu
President and CEO, Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business

Leanne Hall
Partner and National Indigenous Services Leader, Deloitte

Nicole Verkindt
President, Offset Market Exchange (OMX)

Bliss Baker
Partner, Maple Leaf Strategies

Sean Willy
Vice President, Des Nedhe Developments & Creative Fire

Hon. Greg Rickford, P.C., B.S.N., M.B.A., LL.B., B.C.L.

Agenda – February 28, 2017 (time listed in EST)

12:00pm Registration and Networking Reception (light lunch provided)
1:00pm-2:30pm Introduction and Panel Discussion including live webinar
2:30pm Networking Reception
3:00pm Event to conclude


Bay Adelaide Centre, East Tower
22 Adelaide Street West, Suite 200
Toronto, ON, M5H 0A9

Panel discussion streamed via live webinar

Registration Information

Space to attend this event in person is limited, and this event will be broadcast live via Adobe connect. Webinar registrants will be sent the stream link before the event starts.

Ticket Level Cost Tax  Total
CCAB Members (in-person):  Free  –  Free
CCAB Members (webinar):  Free  –  Free
Guests (in-person):  $8.85  $1.15  $10.00
Guests (webinar only):  $8.85  $1.15  $10.00