
2016 Montreal Keynote Presentation and Networking Reception – Photos

Event Date: June 15, 2016

Keynote Presentation Venue: Montreal City Hall

Networking Reception Venue: Ashukan Cultural Space

Catering: Sacred Fire Productions

Photography: Nadya Kwandibens, Red Works Photography

Natan Obed, President of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK), at Montreal City Hall, outlined the new business opportunity for both Inuit and Canadian business in the North, providing his unique perspective on what comes next for the Inuit in Canada. His talk covered the obstacles and opportunities currently facing Inuit business, the need to grow an Inuit workforce, and the role of the Makivik Corporation in promoting northern business.

A special networking reception was held after the keynote at the Ashukan Cultural Space.

This event was an opportunity for the business community to come together with political leaders, top executives, up and coming entrepreneurs, and business owners to explore the mutual priorities for development in Canada’s far North, and the unique role for Inuit peoples in the Canadian economy.