
Port Saint John

New Brunswick
Transportation  (air/rail/water/truck)

About Port Saint John

Port Saint John is a rapidly advancing Port striving to be a catalyst for growth, recognized for community leadership. A critical piece of Canada’s national supply chain, the Port boasts a diverse cargo base and unparalleled optionality via three Class I Railways. By championing innovation, promoting meaningful engagement, and investing in infrastructure, Port Saint John aims to be a safe, efficient port of choice while delivering economic prosperity in New Brunswick and beyond. The port is also a significant cruise port-of-call on the Canada-New England itinerary.

Keywords: Transportation, Supply Chain, International Trade, Port Management, Logistics, Cruise, Tourism


Contact Name: Paula Copeland
Job Title: Strategic Advsior to the CEO
Email Address: pcopeland@sjport.com
Phone Number: 506-647-0579


Office Address
111 Water Street
Saint John, NB
E2L 0B1, Canada